a relative majority? The informed of the morning of Friday, June 17, 2022

Every morning, the informed discuss the news.

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With Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, Geraldine Woessnerjournalist at Le Point, and Henry Vernetdeputy editor-in-chief at Le Parisien / Today in France, discuss the news of Friday, June 17.

In Ukraine, did Macron take too many risks?

It was expected: Emmanuel Macron was in Ukraine on Thursday June 16, while the country has been at war for three weeks with Russia. Coming by train, the French, German and Italian leaders as well as their Romanian counterpart said they were ready to grant “immediately“to Ukraine the status of candidate for membership of the European Union, and to support it militarily”as long as it takes“, during an unprecedented visit to kyiv. Did Emmanuel Macron do too much or did he manage to hold a perilous position of balancing act? Is it a desire to place Europe at the heart of the end of the legislative campaign?

Legislative: what day after?

The “solid” majority in the National Assembly, desired by Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, remains uncertain, according to our Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for Radio France and France Televisions, published this Friday, two days before the second round of the legislative elections. Can Emmanuel Macron still hope for an absolute majority? Jean-Luc Mélenchon at Matignon, is it still possible?

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