The Green Party of Quebec recruits candidates on LinkedIn

Wishing to present for the first time in 35 years of the party’s history a complete team of 125 candidates in the 2022 general election, the Green Party of Quebec (PVQ) is recruiting candidates on Facebook and LinkedIn “for all regions of Province “.

The most recent offer was shared on the social networking site on Wednesday. “Here is an excellent opportunity to gain professional experience in the field of the environment, communication and politics while contributing to a good cause”, is it written on the volunteer advertisement.

These recurring posts – they have appeared on the party’s Facebook page since May – are not an admission of weakness, warns PVQ leader Alex Tyrrell.

“No, we have no difficulty recruiting people, we already have a good number of people who come forward. But getting 125 people across Quebec is not an easy task. So we take all the means to recruit, ”explained Mr. Tyrrell.

Joined by The dutyhe did not give an estimate of the number of applications received, but confirmed that the party is on track to fulfill its recruitment record.

Getting involved for the PVQ does not require “no minimum level of experience”, can we read on LinkedIn. All you have to do is send a cover letter and choose your constituency for the “recruitment staff” of the PVQ to analyze your candidacy, is it detailed in a guide put online by the party.

“What we are mainly looking for are people who support the values ​​of the PVQ. Then that, it can come from all kinds of different profiles. We have a lot of young people, a lot of diversity,” notes the chef.

When Alex Tyrrell is asked if he fears that this recruiting strategy gives an uncompetitive image to other parties, he replies that “it’s better that [solliciter le grand public] than to recruit in closed circles […] I think it’s important to have new people in politics, that it’s not always the same people who revolve around all the parties. We still have a leader of the Liberal Party who is the former president of the Coalition avenir Québec. Expanding our pools is always positive. »

The chief also thinks that seeing “other young people show up, [ceux-ci] more likely to vote and get involved in politics.

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