Ramzy Bedia: The surprising reason for his very long falling out with his little sister Melha

If we have known him multiplying schoolboy jokes with his accomplice Eric Judor, Ramzy Bedia is nonetheless a conscientious big brother, and in particular towards his little sister Melha, 31 years old. In recent years, she has also embarked on comedy and cinema, with some successes in the key, including the film Strongreleased on Prime and which had earned him great recognition.

However, don’t count on her to ask her brother for help… and especially not on him to give it to her: when the young woman began her career, her eldest didn’t speak to her for two years! Angry that his little sister followed him in a way he thought was bad for her, he had led her a life of hell, as she had mentioned on the set of It’s up to you.

He didn’t talk to me anymore […] during two years“, she said, before continuing: “I didn’t understand why he wanted me. But now if, with hindsight, I understand it. It’s a difficult job and he wanted to protect me like a big brother“.

But Eric Judor’s friend didn’t stop there: he even tried to put a spoke in his wheels by using his knowledge. “One day when I am doing open scenes, I am told that I have been selected with Charlotte Gabris to open for Gad Elmaleh at La Nouvelle Eve” she remembered in an interview in the magazine QG. “Great ! Gad called Ramzy to get my number, he told him ‘if you take my sister, I won’t talk to you anymore’. A true example that shows that he has served me badly”. She repeated it forcefully:The only one who believed in me is Diam’s“.

But it is through hard work that the youngest of the Bedia (who have a sister between them, Rania) proved to her brother that she was capable of it. One thing of which the actor is very proud, he who had only one fear: that his sister falls on evil people who boost her only for her last name. “I see that when there is a brother and a sister, it is often the big brother who brings the other and the other is zero“, he had argued in QG him too.

And we don’t tell the other that he sucks because he has the name of the great… It’s been a lousy career. I was worried, I was afraid that people would smile at him in front and that behind people would say ‘Ah if it wasn’t the sister of…’. I raised this little one, I wanted to protect her“, he concludes, recounting that he had taken a real soap from Gad Elmaleh, convinced that the young woman had talent.

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