French companies have not sufficiently taken the digital turn

French companies are lagging behind their European neighbors in terms of digitalisation.

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Has your company sufficiently taken the turn of digitalization? Overall, in France this is not always the case, according to a study which appears on the occasion of Vivatech, the New Technologies Fair which is held until Saturday June 18 in Paris. French companies are lagging behind in digital transformation. To be precise, especially SMEs. Half of the companies surveyed by the consulting firm BCG and the Medef recognize that they have not embarked on digital transformation.

Concretely, this means for example that they do not take advantage of the data to better know their customers, or to push this or that product. In the smallest of them, it is worse. Especially in industry and sectors such as agriculture, construction, transport, hospitality or tourism. There, digitalization is at a standstill.

Overall, French companies are lagging behind their European neighbors: on the adoption of advanced technologies, only 20% of them use artificial intelligence or the cloud. While on average, in the European Union, this figure rises to 25%. One point singles out French companies, according to the consulting firm BCG: the fear of artificial intelligence. However, there are aids to modernize and it is necessary as the price of these digital transformations can be high. A whole year’s IT budget, according to BCG. But since 2021 SMEs can obtain an innovation tax credit. And free training has been launched as part of the France Num plan. Problem, SMEs do not know these devices. More than half of them are unaware of these devices. And only 10% of them have benefited from the digital aid of the recovery plan.

The digital transformation of companies also comes up against a problem of skills. According to Medef, there are nearly 200,000 jobs to be filled in France in the digital world and, in the next five years, this figure will rise to 300,000. 10,000 graduates specialized in digital are missing every year. year. For the employers’ organization, it is urgent to impose training plans in the digital field for all those arriving on the labor market, but also for those who would like to retrain in these professions.

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