the pupils of the Eugène Delacroix high school in Drancy passed the philosophy test



France 2

Article written by

J. Benzina, F. Le Moal, G. Messina, JM. Lequertier, F. Goncalves, D. Turpin, O. Darmostoupe, J. Chouquet – France 2

France Televisions

Some 520,000 high school students passed the baccalaureate philosophy test on Wednesday June 15. France 2 found the students of the Eugène Delacroix high school, in Drancy (Seinte-Saint-Denis).

Wednesday June 15 is the big day at the Eugène Delacroix high school in Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis). The final year students, whom France 2 has been following since the beginning of the year, discover the room where they will take the baccalaureate philosophy test, with a hint of stage fright. A little intimidated, Grace found her room. For the test, she has provided sweet ammunition. “With this, I should last as long as possible, and above all it will help me stay focused”says the student.

After the headmaster’s last encouragement, the subjects are distributed. For four hours, final year students must reflect on art, the state or even science. Grace is one of the last high school students to leave the room. She chose the text explanation, but she was caught up in time. “It’s really because I couldn’t finish my conclusion that I’m mixed. But otherwise, overall, it’s fine”, she slips. But after the philosophy, it remains to pass soon the great oral. The students are coached by their economics teacher, Jérémie Fontanieu, who does not let up on the pressure to encourage them to work. The training begins: you have to last five minutes, and not one more. Violence against women, economic debates, racism… The students all chose ambitious subjects. But on the form, the oral is a new challenge.

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