Quebec SMEs called on to do more for the environment and social progress

This text is part of the special Corporate Social Responsibility section

Whether it is from investors, governments, their employees or their clients, Quebec SMEs are under increasing pressure to encourage them to transform their business practices to become more respectful of the environment and communities. surrounding areas.

Moreover, 84% of them think that Quebec companies should play a proactive role in resolving social and environmental issues, according to a recent survey conducted as part of a study by the Institut du Québec.

“Today, it is no longer enough to do the minimum, it is no longer enough to just think about reducing your impact, it is no longer enough to do only what is within the limits of the acceptable. Today, companies are expected to do more, ”says Christian Bélair, president and senior partner at the social impact consulting firm Credo, which is also participating in the study.

The experts taking part in the study also believe that SMEs have every advantage in taking action on social and environmental issues.

“In a context of labor scarcity, companies which have a social or environmental mission or which have a clear vision on these issues will have a stronger employer brand. They will therefore have an advantage in attracting and retaining employees, especially among the younger generation, ”believes Emna Braham, deputy director of the Institut du Québec.

Misleading perceptions

While the majority of SMEs surveyed consider that they have a good (63%), or even an excellent (12%) performance in terms of social responsibility, their perception of themselves seemed a little wrong in the eyes of the experts in the study.

“These are very positive results, there is awareness. There is a perception of good CSR performance, but when you ask more detailed questions, there is a gap between this perception and reality. In particular, when they have to make business decisions, we see that ultimately, the interests of shareholders and the generation of profit still remain the priority ”, specifies Mme Braham.

This awareness is therefore a good thing, but the experts of the study are unanimous; there is still work to be done.

“It is no longer enough to make millions of dollars and give back some of it in philanthropy, we must continue to give money in philanthropy, but more must be done,” adds Mr. Bélair.

From words to deeds

As part of the survey, companies were asked to name levers that would help them adopt better CSR practices. They mentioned financial support, a greater degree of adoption of these practices by their competitors, more knowledge, expertise and support on the issue, legislation and standards imposed by the government.

“This survey tells us that although Quebec SMEs seem to attach importance to social and environmental issues, they still have difficulty taking action. Hence the importance of strengthening the ecosystem of support for SMEs, ”says Professor Luciano Barin Cruz, director of the IDEOS pole of HEC Montreal.

“There is a perception that we could do more if we were forced by regulations, but what we are saying is that we should not wait for regulations to do more,” says Christian Bélair from Credo.

The latter does not believe that the real obstacle to the adoption of better CSR practices is financial support. Mr. Bélair mentioned that several initiatives are within the reach of SMEs, such as the Écoleader Fund, an initiative of the Government of Quebec coordinated by the Quebec Action Fund for Sustainable Development.

This fund offers financial assistance, in the form of a grant, to companies wishing to hire experts who will help them implement eco-responsible business practices or prepare for the acquisition of clean technologies.

Christian Bélair invites Quebec businesses to ask themselves questions. “If there is no longer a planet where we can live, there will no longer be a planet where we can do business,” he blurted out.

The Institut du Québec survey was conducted by Léger among 216 managers of Quebec SMEs with 25 to 249 employees.

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