Accused in connection with the trucking convoy, Tyson Billings pleads guilty

Tyson Billings has pleaded guilty to counseling to commit mischief in connection with his participation in the protest that paralyzed Ottawa in February. He should also be released from prison.

Nicknamed “Freedom George” by his fellow protesters, Tyson Billings was a key figure in the three-week protest against restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 and against the federal government in January and February.

Protesters in trucks blocked streets for weeks, forming encampments, forcing businesses to close and sparking a feeling in downtown Ottawa described as ‘lawlessness’ by police and politicians .

Tyson Billings was co-accused with organizer Pat King, whose trial is expected to go ahead as scheduled.

Crown attorney Moiz Karimjee says Tyson Billings has appeared in videos with Pat King encouraging people to bypass police checkpoints to access downtown Ottawa.

He showed up in person at the Ottawa courthouse to deliver his plea to a courtroom packed with supporters.

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