Large families: A child knocked down by a car, the mother tells of their “big scare”

The day of June 14, 2022 was eventful for the Cordule family, which viewers were able to discover in Large families, life in XXL (TF1). In Instagram story, Justine revealed that she and her husband Steeve had a big scare.

After spending his lunch break at home, Tom Cordule (12) went back to school to end his day. But the little boy, who has autism, had a big mishap. While he was on a pedestrian crossing, he was knocked down by a car. A story that his mom Justine has “briefly” told in Instagram story. “We had a very big scare this afternoon. We were contacted to say that Tom had been hit by a car. He has to go through a pedestrian crossing to go to college. He’s at the end of our street, but he’s got a whole sidewalk leading him to this crosswalk, and he got run over.“, first confided the mother of a tribe of seven children who recently revealed that she had experienced a tragedy.

Tom Cordule victim of an accident

Justine Cordule then explained that it was a hairdresser who contacted her husband Steeve and her to tell them the bad news. Very quickly, they went to the scene and learned that those present had already contacted the fire brigade as well as the gendarmerie. “We arrived before them since we are right next to them and immediately, we saw that it seemed to go well. He was conscious. He complained a bit about his hips and his head, he had a big bump. But then he left with the fire department. He did some exams and he was very lucky. He has nothing. He just got out of the hospital and so far so good. Of course he’s under surveillance.“, continued the charming blonde.

After telling this story, Justine Cordule obviously did not escape a few comments. If some were benevolent, other Internet users did not hesitate to ask him why they let their son go to school alone. “Because it’s at the end of our street! Because he is 12 years old. Because he is independent. Because he has no mental retardation or motor handicap. Because he wants it. Because we trust him. Because this path, we have done it with him dozens of times. It’s just an accident that can happen to anyone“, she replied. She also clarified that the person who had hit Tom remained in place.”No, he wasn’t speeding or drunk, it was an accident. We don’t blame him. I think the image of Tom flying on his hood will stick in his head.“, she concluded.

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