Versailles in Gironde!

Château Trianon in the commune of Saint Emilion: Created towards the end of the 17th century by an adviser to King Louis XIV on a promising terroir. Its name is a tribute to the most famous outbuilding, the famous Château de Versailles in Paris, as well as to the King himself. Only 4 hectares were worked until the 1950s, then little by little, a few plots were added to the property. Its take-off will come from its acquisition in 1999 by Dominique Hébrard, a famous Bordeaux wine merchant who saw the full potential of this property. Since then, he has continued to develop production techniques, now bringing the number of hectares to 16, of which 14 are vineyards. Located to the west of the appellation, Château Trianon is one of the first neighbors of Pomerol, from which it benefits from some of the rich soils for which the place is renowned. Château Trianon is the rising vineyard in the appellation. This kind of domain that works year after year in the perpetual search for the highest quality.

Guillaume Seigue: The wines are magnificent and have this subtlety linked to the singular terroir: the power and assertive character of Saint-Emilion combined with the caress of the tannins of Pomerol not far away.

Bon vivant, always ready to taste and share his most beautiful encounters in the world of wine and spirits, Guillaume is the editor of the blog but also for the site A glass in his left hand and a pen in his right hand, he travels throughout the year to the different properties over the terroirs and regions. Fascinated by the world of wine since his childhood, he likes above all to exchange with the “stories makers” as he likes to call the winegrowers. Mixology also takes a big place in his life with an all-consuming passion for creating cocktails.

Guillaume Seigue author of the blog God Bless Bacchus

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