MyfootballApp, an application for amateur clubs

Digital is a reality or even a necessity today for many sectors of activity. Sport is part of it. Integrating digital tools (social networks, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc.) is changing the way of practicing and conceiving sport. It is also about improving the functioning of clubs and sports associations. Enough to help sports players facing the digital transition! MyfootballApp is a “made in Yonne” mobile application. After more than ten months of experimentation it is finally available? An application dedicated to clubs, educators, players and parents.

Guests of 100% Sport

  • Christophe Rémy, founder of MyfootballApp, former professional player of AJA, representative of the association on the board of directors of AJA
  • Corentin Havouis, former footballer, in charge of the session library, of all digital media

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