Legislative 2nd round, duel Macron / Mélenchon and the RN which asserts itself as the only opposition … The informed of franceinfo of Tuesday June 14, 2022

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday 14 June 2022.

Article written by


Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

– Legislative, the Macron/Mélenchon duel, the vagueness around the “Republican Front”.

– The heat wave is coming, the climate largely absent from the two elections? The government announces a plan for the renaturation of cities.

– The True from the False, change of tone on the Nupes on the side of the majority

– Does France risk being ungovernable? Program against program: who is credible?

– The RN asserts itself as the only opposition

The guests

-Audrey Goutardjournalist, head of the investigation and reporting department at FranceTV

-Albert Zennoueditor-in-chief of the political department of Le Figaro

– Jean-Emmanuel Ducoineditor and columnist at L’Humanité

– Gaspard Gantzerpresident of Gantzer Agency, teacher at Sciences Po and HEC

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