“Lungs affected, pipes in the nose”: Oli (Bigflo and Oli) talks about the serious illness he suffered

When he was very young, Oli – of the group Bigflo and Oli – suffered from serious health problems as he revealed in several of his songs, in particular the title Olivia taken from his album The real life in which he raps: “At three years old with pipes in my nose, I said no to the cemetery, the mower said to me: ‘I’ll give you a chance if you break everything with your brother’“.

Interviewed on the Youtube channel Bigflo and Oli Fans, he explains: “I had big big health problems, small in the lungs, I never really knew in the end what I had, we never really talked about it, I had a problem, I had a lung smaller than the other in fact there was one that was struggling… (…) I was in the hospital for a while.”

Touched by the mention of his brother’s illness, Bigflo adds: “What’s crazy is that he had serious problems. I remember seeing him as a child with pipes and this guy he chose among all the instruments in the world that there was, the trumpet! That is to say the one where you really have to take a deep breath!“Everything finally worked out for the rapper who was able to play the trumpet from the age of 10 and who ensures that he is now perfectly out of the woods.”It’s alright, I play trumpet, I rap“He confirms with a smile on the corner of his lips.

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