a new form for Liverpool supporters allows in particular to implicate the police in their complaint

UK supporters can now describe in a few lines what type of physical attack they have suffered and can also describe the perpetrator.

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The French embassy on Tuesday June 14 modified its complaint form for Liverpool supporters who were victims of incidents on May 28 at the Stade de France, during the Champions League final against Real Madrid. In the new form, which franceinfo was able to consult, it is in particular now possible to implicate a police officer.

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To do this, British supporters can now describe in a few lines what type of physical aggression has been suffered. They can also describe the author. The stadium enclosure has also been added to the places where the events may have taken place. Finally, complainants can now call an English phone number or write an email for help.

On June 1, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that Liverpool and Real Madrid supporters could “file a complaint in their country”. Thousands of reports had also been collected by the Liverpool club on its testimonial collection platform specially set up for the occasion.

On May 28, the Champions League final was marred by scenes of chaos before the kick-off of the match, which was delayed by 36 minutes. In addition to the jostling and attempted intrusion by individuals without a ticket, supporters were treated brutally by the police or victims of theft.

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