the government announces a plan for the “renaturation” of cities to develop cool islands

“With a significant fund of 500 million euros”this program will aim to “co-finance” projects with local authorities, according to the spokesperson for the executive, Olivia Grégoire.

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Faced with the heat stroke that is about to hit France, the executive wants to cool the urban centers. “A program for the renaturation of cities, city centers, will be launched, with a significant fund of 500 million euros”, revealed the spokesperson for the government, Olivia Grégoire, on Tuesday, June 14, during a press briefing organized after the Council of Ministers. This plan should allow “co-finance alongside local authorities” anti-heat devices, “especially islands of freshness”.

>> MAP. Paris, Lille, Toulouse, Lyon, Grenoble, Bordeaux… Visualize the heat island in your urban area

The heat wave is coming “strong, precocious, unprecedented in this period”, underlined Olivia Grégoire. In this context, “the government calls for vigilance and deploys measures to accelerate preparation for the consequences of climate change”she specified, recalling that the metropolises are “particularly affected” by rising temperatures.

Municipalities have already begun to develop cool islands, areas cooler than the ambient temperature. These places are often vegetated or coated with a clear and porous coating that does not capture heat, unlike conventional bitumen. In Paris, schoolyards called “oasis” are regularly inaugurated, without concrete. In Strasbourg, ephemeral green spaces have been created using local, heat-resistant plant species.

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