“Livres au Palais”, first edition of the literary fair at the Governor’s Palace

General d’Andoque de Sériège opens the doors of the Palais du Gouveneur on Saturday June 25, 2022, for the first edition of the literary fair “Livres au Palais”.

A unique place of Messin heritage and books, what a joy! literature lovercome and meet some forty writers and artists, on Saturday June 25, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the privileged setting of the Governor’s Palace.

A literary event around the military book!

This show organized by the General Staff of the defense and security zone, in partnership with France Bleu Lorraine, invites you to discover and discuss with some forty authors who have chosen to highlight the values ​​of commitment, honor and memory.

Novels, comics, memoirs, essays, the public can notably meet Jean-René VAN DER PLAETSEN, Renaudot prize for high school students 2020 for The profession of dying, or Nicolas ZELLER, winner of the Erwan Bergot prize 2021, who testifies to his commitment as a special forces doctor in his book Corps et Soul.

The palace gardens are also accessible with the possibility of eating there and enjoying a few notes played by the Band of the Arme Blindée Cavalerie.

Most to know: it’s free !

Many civilian and military authors have responded, choosing to highlight the values ​​of commitment, honor and memories dear to our institution” – General of the Army Corps, Alexandre d’Andoque de Sériège, Military Governor of Metz.

Poster Literary fair in Metz

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