Charles-Henri (Love is in the meadow) changes his life: the sacrifices he no longer supports

Charles-Henri is one of the farmers who participated in Love is in the meadow 2019. M6 viewers were therefore able to follow his adventures with Sandrine and Stéphanie. He was in a relationship with the latter, a short-lived romance. Last I heard, he was in a relationship with a certain Belinda. If he did not wish to say more about his love life during his recent interview for The voice of the Norththe breeder of dairy cows and cereals has announced great news.

The ex-candidate from Pas-de-Calais has agreed to talk about a professional project that is close to his heart. After having once again denounced the editing of Love is in the meadowCharles-Henri felt that he had done the show too soon because, at the time already, he was “about to tackle a professional turn“.”I knew that my life during filming was not compatible with a normal life as a couple, but today I think the wheel is turning” he first confided.

The farmer then explained that he had to change his life because of the difficult working conditions. “Dairy farming is time-consuming and restrictive, I can’t stand it anymore. Remuneration will never be up to the work done and that, the manufacturers have still not understood. And then, in relation to consumer expectations and environmental change, we have to adapt our practices. All my projects are in the finalization phase to make room for a family and sentimental life on weekends.he continued.

A soon more fulfilling private life?

Will Charles-Henri take the opportunity to spend more time with Belinda? Impossible to say because he did not want to reveal if he was still in a relationship with her (nor in a relationship, period). “I will have stopped my dairy activity in six to nine months. I’m getting into grain storage, change in crop rotation with the introduction of new crops, participation in a collective methanation project, intra-plot modulation of fertilizers. I’m one of the first equipped in this, it’s technical, but exciting. I will also create a herd of about twenty Angus mothers with many different genetic lines, to sell heifers and breeding males, enhance the pasture and sell high-end meat.“, he revealed. A new life that will allow him to no longer disrupt his personal projects so if everything is well organized. “Everything will be ready for the end of the year, I’m close to the goal“, he concluded.

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