Married at first sight: An ex-dad candidate for the first time, beautiful announcement in photo

Since participating in Married at first sight in 2020, Cyril was rather discreet on the Web. And more particularly concerning his private life. For example, he never explained how he had met the mother of his little princess or since when they had been dating. It was not until March 2021 that they shared the first photos of their couple.

In the M6 ​​broadcast, viewers had previously followed his adventure with Laura, whom he had married and with whom he had 81% compatibility. But right after the shooting, their story came to an end and they divorced. “I wanted us to go a long way together, to really try! We stayed together for one or two months, we saw each other, we tried. We saw that we were missing something. I was very introverted and she was very extroverted. I need to be quiet and she was the opposite! If we had a lot in common, there were things between us that did not pass. Laura wanted to change me too quickly, that put a brake on me. We divorced two months after the adventure“, he had revealed to Tele-Leisure.

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