Japanese beetle alert, insect pest, which risks entering France

After having colonized Italy and Switzerland, the species threatens to enter our territory, worries ANSES on Monday. A hundred plant species are threatened by the appetite of this insect. To have a chance of eradicating it, it will be necessary to intervene at the first detection.

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When the Japanese beetle passes through the plantations, it generally causes carnage, devouring the leaves, the flowers, the fruits. It usually operates in groups, and its larvae prefer roots. His favorite plants: plum, apple, vine, corn, soy, beans, asparagus, maple, poplar and even roses. A hundred plant species could suffer damage. Already present in Italy and Switzerland, the insect pest has not yet colonized France but ANSES (Agence Nationale Sanitaire Alimentaire Nationale) considers it a serious threat.

The Japanese beetle looks like the beetles that we are used to seeing in France, but its body is green and brown with small tufts of white hair. It is impossible to prevent its entry into our territory, according to ANSES, it will arrive sooner or later with us. Once implanted, we will then have little chance of getting rid of it. It must therefore be eradicated immediately, from the first detection.

The agency calls for very careful monitoring of the insect using traps along French borders. As soon as the Japanese beetle is spotted, insists ANSES, it will have to be killed with insecticides or biological products. In the United States, the states of Oregon and California have succeeded in preventing the establishment of this species.

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