view the record abstention of the first round

Voters particularly shunned the ballot boxes overseas, around Paris and in the south-east of France.

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She was expected. Abstention reached a new record in the first round of legislative elections on Sunday 12 June. Less than one in two French people (47.51%) went to a polling station. This absence in the voting booths was more or less marked depending on the territory.

>> Discover the results of the first round of the legislative elections in your constituency

The projection of abstention rates by municipality on the map below shows that voters mobilized very little in Ile-de-France, in the south-east of France but especially overseas.

In Ile-de-France, abstention was particularly high in Val-d’Oise (57%) and Seine-Saint-Denis (61%). In this department, the poorest in metropolitan France, abstention exceeds 70% in certain municipalities such as Clichy-sous-Bois, where less than one in four voters went to vote. In the Bouches-du-Rhône, only 40% of Marseillais voted. In the north-east of France, it is in Moselle (59%) and in Haut-Rhin (56%) that the legislative elections attracted the fewest voters, a little above the national average for abstained (52.49%).

As for the presidential election, it is the overseas territories which record the lowest turnout. Abstention exceeds 70% in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Guyana. Symbol of this disaffection, in the commune of Saint-Joseph, in Martinique, less than one voter in five moved to vote on Sunday.

Compared to the presidential election, abstention is up sharply in almost all territories. The map below shows the difference in abstention rates between the 1st round of the presidential election and the 1st round of the legislative elections, by constituency. It depicts a France covered in red, with increases in mainland France, which range from +13 points in the 2nd district of Haute-Corse to +35 points in the 11th district of Seine-Saint-Denis.

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