Omar Sy (Jurassic World 3): How many children does he have with his wife Hélène?

Everyone knows it, alongside his life as an actor, Omar Sy attaches great importance to the family. His is already quite substantial since alongside his wife Hélène, whom he met in September 1998, the 44-year-old actor has to take care of a large sibling since he is the father of five children. But the native of Trappes is used to it since he has no less than seven brothers and sisters.

Priority to his children

For the sake of his children Alhadji, Sabah, Selly, Tidiane and Amani-Nour, Omar Sy decided in 2012 to move to Los Angeles with his family. A decision carefully considered, taken with the aim of preserving them from all the constraints generated by his notoriety, in particular after his remarkable performance in Untouchables. “When I drove them to school, it marked me to see that I was no longer their father and that they were only the children of Omar Sy. They were starting to lose their first names. I had just invaded their space, the school (…). It was a shock. It made me realize that we had to change our lives. School was their territory and I was encroaching on it. It wasn’t fair” he had spoken about it. Since then, the star of Jurassic World: The World After lives far from the cameras and especially near his children.

Moreover, the actor, recently seen at the Cannes Film Festival, does not hesitate to share his family life on his social networks, always in benevolence and absolute tenderness. We can see him in particular on this Instagram post of his wife, in the company of her and her eldest daughter Selly. “I wish you both to always be happy, to live everything you want life to offer you, to be as free and peaceful as possible in this world that has since become so often unfair and complicated…” , wrote Hélène Sy in the caption, all accompanied by a photo in which we can see the trio walking in a forest.

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