Literature | On the bedside table of… Christine Beaulieu

Twice a month, a public figure tells us what he is reading at the moment. This week, actress and playwright Christine Beaulieu, who can be seen in theaters in the film norbourg and who will present his documentary show this summer Mitisipu salmon.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Laila Maalouf

Laila Maalouf
The Press

The twelve months of Mary

The twelve months of Mary

The twelve months of Mary

Hands free

“I know Marie-Chantal and right from the start, I’m like, ‘Wow, she’s really, really sincere.’ She is very lucid about her person, her character, her personality. I was the mother-in-law of a little boy for seven years and, when I read the book, it was as if it came to legitimize my feeling of pain, the mourning that I had [quand je me suis séparée]. It’s really beautiful, what she wrote, it resonates in the hearts of many women who have been mothers-in-law. I had the impression, through her book, of living my own mourning for being a mother-in-law. And it’s very, very well written. »

The cigar at the edge of the lips

The cigar at the edge of the lips

The cigar at the edge of the lips

The Wick

“We are here in a completely trashy register. Quebec Bukowski. He gets drunk, he tears himself apart… This guy was a director and he did the 100 shots; but at some point, it tired him so much that he decided to start writing. Her book is irresistible. It took me back to the time when, when I arrived in Montreal, I was 21 years old and I lived in a roommate with four people. At that age, we are always in bars, we do drugs, we drink, we go far with our body to feel alive. […] There is something very liberating that at the same time evokes great distress. And the mix of all that is very beautiful. »

I will go and dig up my father

I will go and dig up my father

I will go and dig up my father

Quebec America

“I’m in the early stages of this book because I just received it. It’s written more like a dialogue, a bit closer to a play – and Catherine comes from a theater background. There is discussion more than prose. I really like this way of writing and it’s sure that it joins me because it’s a girl who is my age. It is his first novel. She had a child and it brings her back to her youth. I like to dive into this book. It’s autofiction and it reveals itself in a very sincere way. »

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