Hugo Manos, the TPMP columnist, freewheeling on Instagram!

Hugo Manoscolumnist for TPMP, companion of Laurent Ruquier, but also “Greek God” as our colleagues at Release. It must be said that before his personality, it is his athlete physique that we notice. And that, Hugo Manos understood it well: on his Instagram account, there are only publications of him, and one in two are photos of him shirtless. This Friday, June 10, he even realizes that a piece of flesh is worth much more than a piece of fabric in terms of likes on his favorite social network.

“All my least dressed photos are in 80% of cases highlighted by Instagram”, he comments in story of a screenshot of one of his shirtless selfies in front of the mirror. Before concluding, “that we already knew” as he points out,“insta wants us naked”. Here then. He even adds that “it’s not without reason”the fault of the users: “it’s because we’re all hot ass”.

The companion of Laurent Ruquier is completely freewheeling as the weekend approaches. The fault of his last vacation in Greece? He has just returned from a stay with the one who has just said goodbye to the show “We are live” and his BFF Stéphane Plaza. Because between the two it matches, for a little while already. On May 30, the friends appeared together in the stories Instagram of the TPMP People columnist. “You love Me ?” Hugo Manos asked Stéphane Plaza, who answered in the affirmative. Before Laurent Ruquier’s companion asks him to kiss him on the cheek. To which the real estate agent replied: “No, I don’t dare, there’s your guy next door”.

Antoine FM

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