winner of Besançon, Metz Handball offers a cup to finish

The stranglehold of Metz Handball on the French scene is therefore total, with this ultimate victory (33-23), this Saturday, in the final of the Coupe de France. Thirteen days after winning the Women’s League at the expense of Brest, six days after winning bronze in the Champions League final four.

Metz has never been hooked

Nothing to say about the game. Metz has always led and controlled. Besancon did not score only two goals, including one in the game, in the first 19 minutes. As a symbol, Chloé Valentini finished top scorer with 5 goals, but everyone took part in the scoring.

The emblematic Nocandy, Zaadi, N’Gouan, Kapitanovic, to name but a few… Several executives have therefore succeeded in their last with Metz Handball. “The emotional sequence was a few days ago, tonight, after the match we laughed. We are proud. In ten years, I will retain this human, emotional aspectexplains Grace Zaadi.We struggled, we bounced back. We had injuries, we bounced back. We were winning all the time but it was hard. We all love each other, which makes the story more beautiful“adds Méline Nocandy, the other center half.

Metz Handball has found the juice and the desire to win a new trophy, despite perhaps more flashy recent deadlines. “You shouldn’t regret having partied a littlereacts coach Manu Mayonnade. We do it three times a year in Metz. On the other hand, if we lost, people would make the correlation. We had to go all the way, play well and this trophy makes me happy. It is that of the players.

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