after his break with Guillaume Canet, the burglary which falls badly

After fifteen years of relationship, Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard would have decided not to end their lives together. The two actors, who had been friends since 1997 and who had started a romantic relationship from 2007, had two children together, Marcel, 11 (born May 19, 2011), and Louise, 5, (born March 10, 2017 ). Unfortunately, for several months they have not lived under the same roof, they are the ones who pay the high price.

Burglary of Marion Cotillard’s house

And as if this terrible news was not enough, a burglary invites itself into the background. According to Closer, last fall, when she was shooting in front of Arnaud Desplechin’s camera the film Brothers and sisters since taken to the Cannes Film Festival, Marion Cotillard had a very bad surprise.

The film’s production team had rented her a house on the spot in Lille… and she was “ransacked by burglars“, report our colleagues. Fortunately, more fear than harm, the criminals took nothing away! And if an investigation was immediately opened, on the spot, it has not yet succeeded, and the culprits have not haven’t been found yet…

>> See also: Video: Marion Cotillard: stylish and available, she’s back on the road to the Oscars in LA!

And if the question of their motivations is of course on everyone’s lips, another question also remains … What could have happened to Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet for them to put an end to their relationship? To this, the journalist Florian Anselme has his little idea…

“The couple had the reputation of being a free couple

Last March, on the Touche set not at my post, he explained about the couple: “last summer, they were in Cap-Ferret kissing each other in the water, everything was going very well… at least on paper”. And to add:Today, Marion Cotillard, would therefore be gone, she would live with a friend, he would be in their beautiful apartment in the west of Paris. It’s a beautiful story that comes to an end. Guillaume Canet is a bit used to being a womanizer. The couple had the reputation of being a free couple. So maybe they’ve reached their limit on that front.”.


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