Madonna: Her brother Christopher had sex with a famous singer!

Madonna had one thing in common with her brother Christopher Ciccone: they both love men. If the singer has, for her part, multiplied the conquests, such as Sean Penn, Carlos Leon, father of her daughter Lourdes, Guy Ritchie, father of her son Rocco to whom she was married, Brahim Zaibat and more recently, Ahlamalik Williams, from which she is now separated, her brother was not left out. One of his conquests has also spoken on the program Fitzy & Wippa on Australian radio Nova: Darren Hayes.

If his name means nothing to you, his face, his voice and his songs must necessarily speak to you. Darren Hayes was the leader of the group Savage Garden, performers of the hits I Knew I Loved You and truly Madly Deeply : “I guess I can talk about it freely now because I’ve been married for seventeen years but I’ve had a few dates with Madonna’s brother.” he said on the show’s microphone.

Even if he was not going out with him for his famous sister, this big fan of Madonna hoped to meet her, she who was still close to her brother at the time. But the family introductions never happened: “He could have introduced her to me but it was important for me that he knew that I was really in love with him, not his sister.” he clarified. Despite everyone’s efforts, the relationship did not work out: “It just didn’t. We didn’t have this connection that I was able to have with others afterwards..”

Connected, Christopher Ciccone was yet to Madonna. Brother and sister appeared very regularly together at official events and lived a close relationship outside of celebrity, like any sibling. Until 2008 and the release of My sister, the biggest star in the world, Christopher’s memoirs in which he reveals the artist’s behavior towards him such as the day she made her homosexuality public in his place. A few pages that ended up breaking their relationship.

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