the fight against global warming “will be governmental or will not be”, warns climatologist Jean Jouzel

“Economic development will be in the realization of this transition”, assures the optimistic climatologist.

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The fight against global warming “will be a citizen or not be” corn “will also be governmental or will not be”, warns on franceinfo the climatologist and former vice-president of the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Jean Jouzel. The COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, was extended on Saturday, November 13, while the signatory countries of the Paris Agreement agree on a new final declaration and commitments.

Jean Jouzel calls for “everyone, states, civil society, cities are looking in the same direction”, governments before “put all this to music, put in place important levers” to fight against global warming.

Despite the limited progress expected in Glasgow, “a fairly negative balance sheet” given the very ambitious objective of the Paris agreement not to exceed + 1.5 ° C compared to the pre-industrial era, the climatologist remains optimistic, estimating that “the transition will take place”, because “We can clearly see that economic development, after a few decades, will be part of the realization of this transition”.

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