Olivier Fox | A mark of “trust” and a “natural” promotion

Olivier Renard speaks of a “trust” mark. Gabriel Gervais, of a “feeling of belonging” to be valued.

Posted at 2:50 p.m.

Jean-Francois Teotonio

Jean-Francois Teotonio
The Press

This is how the two men commented on the extension of the contract “for an indefinite period” of the sports director of CF Montreal, Friday, at the Center Nutrilait.

Renard is also given the title of vice-president in the organization.

“It’s a bit like my personal agreement to me, underlines the president Gabriel Gervais. Olivier will be in management as vice-president and head of all sports. »

It therefore becomes a “permanent framework”. In the same way as the VPs of human resources, finance, and their future counterpart in marketing and communications.

This promotion happened “naturally”, according to the Belgian. Maybe even before we even officially put the label on it.

“It was not a claim on my part, explained Renard. No way. But I’m not going to say that I was surprised by that. It was precisely to show confidence in me. And I must say that in the last few months, it was already happening a little bit like that. »

“Me, I know what I am, and I remain someone [issu] Sport. But if I’m asked the question, in terms of marketing or anything, I give my ideas based on my experiences. »

The wish was put forward by Joey Saputo, confirms Gabriel Gervais.

“It’s the mentality of the Saputo family to demonstrate mutual trust and a sense of belonging. It was very important. In this way, Olivier will be exposed to all the strategic aspects of the organization, which will be crucial for all the decisions that he will take on his side. »

“He will have his say,” adds the president.

Olivier Renard believes that the negotiations were “quick and simple”. The fact remains that the subject has been in the air for several weeks. When we ask Gabriel Gervais about a potential point of contention during the negotiations, he rejects the idea.

“It was to find the right agreement for him and his family,” says the former Impact defender.

Fox corroborates.

“If my wife and my children did not like Quebec, we would have left a long time ago”, launches the sports director.

“I waited until recently to tell the kids, because I didn’t want to make false promises. They are very happy with that. So for me, if the family is happy, that’s the most important thing. »

Not selling players “like hot cakes”

Olivier Renard is therefore in Montreal for the long term. Which means that his philosophy put in place since his arrival in 2019 is here to stay.

Gabriel Gervais speaks of “stability”, yes. But also imperatives that come with this mark of trust.

“We have to deliver the goods,” said the president. You have to get the right results. »

We know it: Montreal now wants to be a training club. In this regard, the end of the 2022 season could prove everything. No less than five CF Montreal players could play minutes at next November’s World Cup in Qatar. Kamal Miller and Alistair Johnston are regulars in the Canadian selection. Samuel Piette is a veteran. Ismaël Koné could very well be invited. And Djordje Mihailovic, with his dream season, is knocking on the door of the American team.

Does Olivier Renard feel a certain performance pressure to find a new home for these players… and bring money back to the organization?

“Absolutely not,” he replies. It’s not pressure. It is satisfaction. It means that the arrival of players who were unknown at the base, people are afraid to see them leave. It means that between the arrival and the departure, there were good things. »

Gabriel Gervais illustrates the point differently.

“The philosophy that is put in place is to turn to youth, to develop the players, he explains. That doesn’t mean that by the end of the year, if we don’t sell four players, it’s a failure. Far from there. We are going to sell the players when it is going to be the right moment, for the club and the player. »

“We are not here to sell players like hot cakes. It really is a long term strategy. Whether it’s this summer, or at the end of the year because of the World Cup. »

The sale of players is not the only objective of the club.

“We are ultra competitive, underlines Gabriel Gervais. We want a championship. Whether it’s a Canadian championship, an MLS championship. We can absolutely believe that we can win a cup every year. »

Is there room in the squad for adding players to achieve this ambition?

The club has just under $400,000 available under the salary cap, says Olivier Renard.

“If there is a departure, something will open up. We will have to make choices. »

“Internally, we must be ready to make moves, especially with the European transfer windows. Me, I don’t have the fire. We are happy with the current squad. The team can be built in the next transfer window. I am convinced that we can even have a more than satisfactory season with the current squad. »

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