the exceptional help during the Covid crisis is a “good reference of what we are able to do”, according to Gabriel Attal

To get an idea of ​​what will be the aid paid at the start of the school year to the most modest who face rising prices, we must look back, according to Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Accounts. “In 2020, during the Covid crisis, we had the opportunity to pay exceptional aid twice for low-income families”to know “families who were on social minima, I believe that four million families had been affected”said Gabriel Attal, Friday, June 10 on franceinfo. “I can’t give you an announcement here, but I think it’s a good reference of what we are capable of doing”he added.

“We also adapt to the family situation since the Prime Minister said so, the number of children in the home will obviously be counted for the payment” of this help, explains Gabriel Attal. In 2020, “I think it was 150 euros for the parents and then 100 euros per child”. “I’m not telling you that’s what will be done”, he warned, however. The details “will be presented as part of the purchasing power bill, in the coming weeks”he recalled.

The Prime Minister has already indicated that this aid will be paid directly into the account of the French people concerned. Since then, the Abbé-Pierre Foundation has wondered, on franceinfo, if all those who can claim this aid could benefit from it. “I have no doubt that in connection with my colleagues in charge of solidarity, we will find solutions to obviously support the homeless”assured Gabriel Attal.

As for the “food voucher”, of which “the objective is to support French people who do not have the means to eat organic and local products”the government “wants him to see the light of day”he said. “Bruno Le Maire had the opportunity to say it, we have not yet found the technical solution which makes it possible to guarantee that this aid obviously benefits the French people who need it, but also our local and organic producers”, he said. The government “hopes to be able to present this measure in 2023”.

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