IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. From Gorillaz to PNL, relive the 2022 edition of the We Love Green festival as if you were there

How was the We Love Green festival this year, June 2, 4 and 5 in the Bois de Vincennes? We were there, we tell you hour by hour and in pictures these three days rich in rain and decibels.

Rain, mud, an evening cut short by bad weather but also superb musical clearings to warm hearts: this is what we will remember from the 2022 edition of the We Love Green festival which will have made us nod of more than 100,000 festival-goers to rap, electro, pop and variety tunes.

We will remember the joyful Gorillaz, the sunny and powerful Jorja Smith, Koffee and Greentea Peng, the precise show of Angèle, the irresistible ardor of Juliette Armanet. But also the furious madness of Slowthai, the insane pogos at the concerts of SCH and Central Cee, without forgetting the PNL duo, still just as “Peace and Loves” but also very “love” very short, to which, decidedly, we forgive everything.

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