Yannick (Koh-Lanta): The basketball player makes a big announcement, “not without regrets”…

While the broadcast of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem is soon coming to an end, the adventurers have all already resumed the course of their lives. Remember that the cast of this season was largely made up of athletes. This is how viewers discovered coach Anne-Sophie, firefighter François, dancer Olga and even basketball player Yannick. He also has great news to announce…

Wednesday June 8, 2022, the former member of the yellow team eliminated after reunification took to his Instagram account. This big guy of 1m92 then shares two photos. Above, he poses in professional attire on a basketball court, orange ball in hand which he later replaces with a bottle of water, after the effort. “You have certainly seen it on the networkshe says. It was important to thank the Cannet club and its president Yves Crespin for these years within this team.. The adventure ends not without regrets however, I will remember the cohesion and the good understanding that there was in our group.

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