Vladimir Putin has cancer? A person would be in charge of collecting their excrement…

The revelations about thecritical state of health of Vladimir Putin has been going on for several months. According to some media, the Russian president, who launched a war against Ukraine last February, is suffering from cancer.

On May 21, director Olivier Stone confided in the Daily Mirror on this subject, saying that Valdimir Poutine was in full remission.“Remember this, Mr. Putin had cancer. But he was also isolated because of the Covid”, he said to underline the media absence of the supposed companion of Alina Kabaeva. The latter would also live an ordeal by his side, forced to respect a diet of the most drastic under horrible threats.

A person would be “responsible for collecting its natural excreta”

This Thursday, June 9, it’s Paris Match which makes new revelations about the state of health of Putin, bringing new evidence to the rumors linked to his cancer. Since 2017 and his meeting with Macron in Versailles, then his visit to Saudi Arabia in 2019, a person close to the president would be “responsible for collecting its natural excreta and taking it to Moscow” to analyze them, say our colleagues.

“His feces and urine contain crucial information”

“His excrement and urine contain vital information… for the future of the world”ensures Paris Match. Once harvested, its droppings would be placed in “pockets provided for this purpose” before being saddled in “a special suitcase” direction Moscow. All this, in the greatest secrecy of course, with the help of the federal protection service responsible for the security of Russian officials. For some, the deterioration of the Russian president’s state of health would be the only way to put an end to the war he is orchestrating in Ukraine.

Antoine FM

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