Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine surprises Julie Gayet with a nice wedding gift

On Wednesday June 8, 2022, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine received Julie Gayet on the set of “C à vous” on France 5. The opportunity for the 50-year-old actress to talk about the Twin Sisters film music festival, which will be held in Rochefort from June 22 to 25 and which she partly founded. “On a personal level, by acting in films, and later by producing, I had understood how much music was an essential color of a director and how difficult it could be to find the right alter ego. Music and image are two different but complementary languages ​​that sometimes struggle to communicate. To overcome this lack, Hélène therefore initiated the project and introduced me to Eric Debègue, one of the other founders of Sœurs Jumelles and President of Cristal Group. At the same time, we met Delphine who was also working on a similar file. The adventure began like this.“, explains the actress on the festival website.

Shortly before the end of the program, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine arrested Julie Gayet. “Congratulations, dear Julie!” Launches the host, returning to her with her arms laden with a huge bouquet of flowers. “I had a bouquet for you. All our best wishes, from the entire C team to you. We kiss you“, she wished him. Moved by this gesture and a broad smile, the actress sent her most sincere thanks to the entire team of the show.

As a couple for several years, Julie Gayet and François Hollande got married on June 4 in Tulle. The ceremony was celebrated “in the intimacy” according to La Montagne, with among others the singer Benjamin Biolay among the guests probably handpicked. It was the mayor of the commune Bernard Combes who officiated. The latter succeeded the future President of the Republic in 2008 when the latter, after six years in office, left his post to become President of the General Council of Corrèze.


See also: Julie Gayet spreads the word about endometriosis

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