Frédéric Mitterrand in mourning: Painful news within his family

Sad news appears in the obituaries section of the newspaper Le Figaro dated June 9, 2022. Arlette Mitterrand, wife of Robert Mitterrand, older brother of the former President of the Republic, died in his 90th year on June 5. She was there mother-in-law of the former Minister of Culture Frédéric Mitterrand, the latter, who is recovering from a difficult Covid, being the child of Edith Cahier, his father’s first wife. Painful information for the family of the historical figure that was François Mitterrand.

After having been married to Edith Cahier, the mother of Jean-Gabriel, gallery owner, Olivier, polytechnician and director of companies and finally Frédéric, famous man of culture and television, the engineer Robert Mitterrand remarried September 8, 1960 to Arlette Paris, divorced from magistrate René Chazelle. Together, they will have a child, Maxime Mitterrand.

In the book by Ariane Chemin and Géraldine Catalano, A secret family (Stock editions), Robert Mitterrand is presented as the confidant of the former head of state. The president, some time before his death in 1996, wanted to invite him and his wife Arlette for lunch to introduce them to his hidden daughter, Mazarine. He died in 2002, twenty years before his wife Arlette.

A complex clan, the Mitterrands are all mentioned in Arlette Mitterrand’s death announcement, but we also note the names of other relatives such as SAI Farah Pahlavi, third and last wife of the Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, or even the family of Edouard de Royère, former president of Air Liquide. They will be gathered for a religious ceremony in the chapel of the Virgin of the Saint-Roch church (Paris 1st) which will take place on June 14 at 2:30 p.m.

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