Inflation, refusal to comply in Paris and legislative elections … David Lisnard’s “8:30 franceinfo”

David Lisnard, Mayor Les Républicains (LR) of Cannes and President of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” Wednesday 8 June.. He answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

“The police kill”: the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon give “a kind of right to thugs to attack the police”

The words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon give “a kind of right for thugs to attack the police”believes David Lisnard, who finds the words of the leader of the Insoumis “absolutely irresponsible”.

“Where is the country in the world where we accept all these refusals to comply?”, wonders the president of the AMF. David Lisnard recalls that in 2021 he had in Cannes “two scenarios, where the municipal police were forced to respond with their lethal weapons. Fortunately there was no death”. “It is not a question of encouraging the police to draw their weapons but we must support our police except when there are blunders and this is what is verified by the IGPN”, he concludes.

Inflation: government aid for the poorest falls under “electoral clientelism”

“A few days before the legislative elections, you have to be aware of the political dimension of this kind of announcement, today, we are doing a bit of electoral clientelism”said David Lisnard, reacting to Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne’s announcement on Tuesday to pay “in September” to the most modest, financial aid to cope with rising prices.

For him, “it’s been months” that whatever the cost “necessary for the first containment” became “a martingale to distribute money that the state does not have”. “Obviously, we have to help those who are most in difficulty”believes the mayor of Cannes, “it is the dignity of a civilization to help these people”. But “we can’t be content and continue to do social patching by weighing down future generations”, he objects.

Rising prices: for cities too, the period is “very difficult”

“You have energy charge evolutions that range between +30% and +400%”, indicated the President of the Association of Mayors of Franceand “for the first time, you have services that are closing due to soaring bills”. Thereby, “today there are 4 or 5 municipal swimming pools which are closed in France. I had never seen that!”, worries David Lisnard.

An increase in local taxes is “one of the parameters” envisaged to overcome the period which is “very difficult”according to the mayor of Cannes. “There will definitely be tax increases in some communities that can’t help it. […] We are talking about energy, but we have to talk about all the public markets which are soaring, we must also mention food, so school canteens, and the payroll”he listed. “We have been used for a few years to being in the budget assistantship” but “there are reality principles that will apply”, he warns.

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