Elisabeth Borne’s measures for purchasing power and the strategy of the right for the legislative elections… The informed of the morning of June 8

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With Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, Eve RogerDeputy Editor-in-Chief of Parisian-Today in France and Bruno Divecolumnist at South Westdiscuss the news of Wednesday, June 8, 2022.

Food voucher: real boost for purchasing power or electoral announcement effect?

Faced with inflation and to meet the expectations of the French in terms of purchasing power, Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, announced Tuesday, June 7 two government measures: a food check “from the start of the school year” and an extension “at least until the end of the summer” the discount of 18 cents on the price of fuel at the pump.

Beyond these emergency measures, the head of government evokes a targeted device to allow all French people to access quality products, organic products.

Simple electoral announcement effects five days before the first round of legislative elections or a real effective boost to purchasing power?

Legislative 2022: the Macronist majority in danger, the LR right as an arbiter?

Emmanuel Macron is not at all sure of obtaining an absolute majority in the National Assembly after the legislative elections of June 11 and 19. According to the latest polls, it could only be relative in the face of the dynamics of Nupes. What if the right made the difference? And if despite the 4.7% of their presidential candidate, the few dozen LR deputies played the role of rocker?

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