Johnny Depp: After the trial, he wants to “move forward”, Amber Heard clashes him violently on Tik Tok

Difficult to disentangle the true from the false between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard … but what is certain is that the trial did not help! For several weeks, those who have been married for a little over a year have unpacked their entire private life, trying to have the violence of the other recognized and to convince the jurors of the lies of each.

Followed by fans on video, it concluded that Amber Heard had defamed her ex-husband by accusing him of violence, while also condemning the actor for defamation. In short, a complicated situation but considered by fans as a victory for Johnny Depp, which he hailed in a press release explaining that after six years he was “finally gave up his life“after taking away his roles, notably in Fantastic Beasts Where Pirates of the Caribbean.

In England at the time of the verdict, he first celebrated the decision in a bar before publishing, on Tuesday, a small montage on a Tik Tok account created for the occasion and quickly rose to more than 200,000 subscribers. He thanks in particular those who supported him, a gesture which did not at all please his ex-wife, who decided to answer him rather curtly.

While in his video he explained to his fans that they were all going “to be able to move forward“Today, the mother of little Oonagh retorted to him on his own account that the rights of women, him”was going to back down“because of the decision of the judges, which she accuses of not recognizing the rights of women victims of violence.

An argument that came back a lot among his fans, particularly upset after the verdict. It must be said that during the trial, many testimonies were rather in the direction of the actor (he was notably supported by his ex-wives, Vanessa Paradis and Kate Moss). However, he had been confronted with several chilling text messages sent to his friends, in which he explained in particular that he wanted “burn amber heard“, shocking messages that he explained by a difficult attitude to live on the part of his ex-wife.

As a reminder, the two actors had met in 2012 on the set of the film Express Rum and were married in early 2015. A year and a half later, they announced their separation, while the actress denounced violence, still denied by her ex-husband. A few months later, the divorce was then pronounced with financial compensation to avoid the trial.

But the war had started all over again in 2018, after a forum in the washington post, in which the actress evoked violence without mentioning Johnny Depp. Very angry, he then filed a complaint. He has since lost two lawsuits and just won the last one, in which his ex-wife was ordered to pay him $15 million.

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