Automatically generate your CV with Pôle Emploi

Are you looking for a job right now, or do you want to change jobs? The CV and the cover letter remain mandatory figures in France. To write a good CV, it is theoretically necessary to personalize it for each offer. Which means fighting with your software, making choices, removing experiences, adding skills to get the famous interview.

What if a website offered to generate your curriculum vitae? And who else than Pôle Emploi to give you a hand? By dint of giving training on CVs, they decided to automate all that. You go to your account, and everyone has access to it, no need to be registered as a job seeker, in your space “my skills profile and CV”, you fill in your know-how and professional experience, you choose what you want to appear, determine the layout among twelve models and a wide choice of colors, you generate your document, and you download it, send it, print it, in short, you do what you have to do .

The CV will remain stored in your personal space. It’s practical, it’s fast, it’s free, it’s on your personal space on the site pole tiret emploi point fr.

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