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While several demonstrations were organized on Tuesday June 7 to demand more resources for the public hospital, the staff is lacking in several establishments, such as in Valenciennes, in the North.
In Valenciennes (North), five nurses have been missing from the hospital’s resuscitation unit since the end of the Covid-19 crisis. “Not all the beds are open because we had a lot of departures. And we had a shortage of nurses, a shortage of orderlies“, explains Ugo Fouquet, resuscitator, who indicates that some patients could not be taken care of.
The nursing staff, under pressure, would like more time with the sick. “We risk being a little less effective with the patient“, notes Clémence Cadot, nurse in intensive care. In surgery too, the lack of personnel leads to an overload of work and the postponement of operations. “We are worried about it. After a while, you don’t know how it’s going to end. The situation is more and more difficult, we can’t recruit“, testifies Abdoul-Kader Abaneh, head of the surgery department. Operations have been postponed until the end of July.