National Assembly | The parties unite to pay tribute to Pierre Bruneau

Pierre Bruneau received a vibrant tribute at the National Assembly on Tuesday. The four main parties united their voices to salute the veteran TVA newscaster, who will retire next week.

Posted at 5:32 p.m.

Marc-Andre Lemieux

Marc-Andre Lemieux
The Press

The Minister of Culture and Communications, Nathalie Roy, showered the man she described as a “gentleman” with flowers.

“His daily presence in our television landscape will certainly be missed,” said the caquist. This great information in Quebec is a man of heart, coupled with a journalist invested in his work, of irreproachable integrity. These great qualities have earned Pierre Bruneau today the status of being considered a key figure in Quebec journalism. »

Nathalie Roy also highlighted his social commitment, via the Charles-Bruneau Foundation, which he created in 1990 to continue the work begun by his eldest son, who died of leukemia at the age of 12.

“For more than 30 years, this foundation has funded and supported research in pediatric oncology. I would like to express all our admiration and gratitude to Mr. Bruneau, as well as to his wife, for their continued investment in this cause. Thanks to this foundation that you set up, the name of Charles Bruneau has become synonymous with hope for many children and many parents. »

The MP for Acadie, the Liberal Christine St-Pierre, congratulated Pierre Bruneau for his 46 years as anchorman for the TVA network.

“During my journalistic career, I met Pierre Bruneau in the field, and although we were not from the same network, and of course competitors, he was always a great gentleman, declared the ex-journalist to Radio Canada. On his stage, it is the open man who asks intelligent questions. He wants to understand. He never lapses into complacency. »

Vincent Marissal of Québec solidaire described Pierre Bruneau as “the symbol of the evolution of professionalism in journalism in Québec.” “He gave Télé-Métropole, then TVA, its letters of nobility. »

Finally, Joël Arseneau, of the Parti Québécois, applauded his rich career.

“A newscaster must not only know how to communicate, he must also apply himself to describe, explain, share, tell the news with clarity, precision and a real concern to arouse the interest of the viewers for the current events, raise people’s awareness of the issues that affect them and that can have a decisive influence on their daily lives. Pierre Bruneau undoubtedly possesses all these qualities, all these talents. »

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