Koh-Lanta: A former winner pregnant for the 3rd time, surprise announcement!

This is news that we did not expect! Alexandra, who won the 2020 edition of the 4 Earths of Koh Lanta, is pregnant with her third child (she is already the mother of Lana and Fafali). She announced this happy event on her Instagram account on June 7, 2022.

A new adventure has already begun for me, but this time in the warmth surrounded by my loved ones, love (and food) which will fill our life at 4 with even more joy and laughter… soon at 5 for our greater happiness!“, she says. A surprise announcement, unveiled precisely the evening of the weekly broadcast of a new episode of Koh Lanta ! We can see her brandishing an image of her ultrasound, her companion taking her in his arms, from behind, so that we don’t recognize him.

The pretty candidate who had made the buzz in spite of herself, because of her feet, then let it be known that she had already gained a lot of weight: “Don’t believe that my darling is carrying me in this photo, my buttocks are resting on a stool because I have already gained more than 10kg in 3 months… Will I beat my record that I achieved for my 2 girls: +35 kg at the end of pregnancy??!!! I’m not complaining, what a pleasure to carry life but what a hassle also this beginning of pregnancy!!! I knew what to expect though… There is the same age gap between my 3 pregnancies, to believe that my memory has a lifespan of 5½ years!

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