The Republicans count on their local presence to “create the surprise”

The right-wing party, which has a hundred deputies in the National Assembly, is trying to limit the damage by relying on the lack of dynamics on the side of the majority and the disparities within the union of the left.

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Take advantage of the lack of momentum of the campaign of the outgoing majority and try to make the union of the left – the Nupes – a scarecrow to limit the breakage: this is the objective of the Republicans, less than a week from the first round of legislative elections. The party leadership met on Tuesday June 7 in Paris to take stock, while LR has 101 outgoing deputies but recorded a calamitous score in the first round of the presidential election, with only 4.78% of the vote for Valérie Pécresse.

>> Legislative elections: five days before the first round, find the latest information in our live

It is therefore difficult to imagine finding the same number of seats. However, there is no question for the boss of the Les Républicains party to make predictions. “I don’t play that game, I’ve never done it. We will create surprise because we are able to represent our territories”, assures Christian Jacob. It is indeed on the territories and the establishment that LR counts to save the furniture. Off the microphone, party executives say they are aiming for around fifty seats.

“In some constituencies where Marine got 60% [des voix au second tour de l’élection présidentielle]the outgoing right is well established and we have no chance.”

A leader of the National Rally

at franceinfo

The objective for the right is then to have a substantial parliamentary group. The Republicans are therefore betting that Emmanuel Macron will not, on his own, have the majority. This could allow the group to come and weigh in the choices of the executive. “If we are in a position to be able to move and improve the texts, of course we will do it”recognized half-words Christian Jacob. “We are not for blocking the country, we showed it to the Assembly by making amendments. Unfortunately, they were rejected. We will be the actors for the next five years.”

This is more of a wish than a prediction. A right neither in the majority nor in a frontal opposition, a sort of pivotal group: this is the condition for continuing to exist and – already – sowing the first pebbles for 2027.

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