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Tuesday, June 7, caregivers demand more resources for public hospitals. Due to lack of staff, many emergency services are forced to close.
In Grenoble (Isère), striking caregivers gathered in front of the hospital emergency room. Indeed, they are the ones most affected by the hospital crisis. Protesters demand a moratorium sur the closing of beds and denounce the collapse of the French health system. “The, we are about to experience a very difficult summer, which worries us all”says Laurence Blottière, health manager in Gironde.
Tuesday, June 7, fifty mobilizations are planned in France. In Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrenees), we highlight the Covid-19 crisis and the still low wages. “We have difficulty recruiting doctors. We have staff who are leaving, tired, exhausted, disgusted”, says a woman. In Rouen (Seine-Maritime), the demonstrators demand the material means necessary to continue to work. “They have come to have to strike, simply to have stretchers”regrets Dominique Batianelli, CGT general secretary, Eure-Seine hospital center.