January 6, 2021 | US plunges back into chaos of Capitol assault

(Washington) What was Donald Trump’s responsibility in the attack on the US Congress on January 6, 2021? Did the maneuvers of the former president after the 2020 election constitute an attempted coup? After nearly a year of investigation, a parliamentary commission presents its first conclusions on Thursday.

Posted at 6:39

France Media Agency

During these hearings, this group of elected Democrats promised “to provide the American people with a summary of its conclusions on the coordinated campaign intended to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and prevent the transfer of power”. .

For almost a year, the so-called “January 6” commission heard nearly 1,000 witnesses, including two children of the former president, to shed light on the actions of Donald Trump and his entourage.

She claims to have gone through more than 100,000 documents, and sent a hundred subpoenas to testify.

Texts and videos

Supporting texts, official documents and videos, a series of lawyers and key witnesses will present the different scenarios envisaged by Donald Trump and his entourage to reverse the course of the 2020 presidential election, until the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

On this cold winter day, under a sky laden with heavy clouds, thousands of supporters of Donald Trump gathered in Washington to denounce the result of the election which lost the Republican billionaire.

After hearing the president invite them to “march to the Capitol”, a human tide had stormed the seat of the American Congress, causing a global shock wave.

A sign of the importance that the commission wants to give to its investigation, the first hearing was organized at prime time: 8 p.m. local time. It will be broadcast continuously on many news channels across the country.

Five other hearings, throughout the month of June, will complete this initial presentation.


One of its members, Jamie Raskin, assured that these revelations would be “explosive”.

“No president has ever come this close to doing what happened here, in terms of trying to stage an insider coup to overthrow an election and bypass the Constitution,” he said. he recently told a panel at Georgetown University.

“But also to use a violent rebellion made up of violent extremist groups, white and racist supremacists, fascists, in order to support the coup”, detailed the elected Democrat.

A draft decree providing for the seizure of electoral machines, a rain of text messages sent to Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows… Some of the evidence in the hands of the parliamentary inquiry has already leaked in recent months.

The commission therefore faces a major challenge: that of constructing a gripping story, capable of capturing the attention of the general public and convincing it.

Because if the images of a man with buffalo horns strolling in the corridors of this white marble building are still vivid, opinion polls place this investigation very low in the list of concerns of American households, far behind inflation. or the price of gasoline.

Another problem, more than a year and a half after the 2020 presidential election, more than half of Republican voters still believe that the presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump.

The latter strongly denounces the work of this group of elected officials, comparing them to a “witch hunt”. And his party has already promised to bury the work of this commission if it were to take control of the House of Representatives during the mid-term legislative elections on November 8.

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