broke during a rodeo, a pedestrian between life and death

The shock occurred during an acrobatic figure on a car park at the Beaulieu university campus. The 18-year-old driver was seriously injured.

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A 19-year-old young man is still between life and death on Monday after being mowed down by a motocross bike that was performing acrobatic figures, Sunday June 5 in Rennes, learned Monday from concordant sources franceinfo and France Bleu Armorique. The 18-year-old driver was seriously injured. A six-year-old child was “sitting, it seems, on the handlebars”, according to the public prosecutor. He was injured more lightly.

The shock occurred during a “rear wheel” of the motorcycle which was traveling at high speed in a parking lot on the Beaulieu university campus. The pedestrian, who according to a police source contacted by franceinfo, is a friend of the driver, was hit in the back. In cardio-respiratory arrest and suffering from head trauma and internal bleeding, he was resuscitated on the spot and then hospitalized in intensive care with a vital prognosis.

Known to justice, the driver of the motorcycle suffered from a fractured tibia and head trauma. Hospitalized in surgical emergency, “he will not be able to be auditioned quickly”, specifies the Rennes prosecutor while a judicial investigation is underway. The six-year-old passenger was briefly hospitalized but released in the evening. He hasn’t been auditioned yet either.

The police did not find the vehicle involved, which had disappeared when they arrived, “taken by friends of the defendant and the victim”according to the Rennes prosecutor.

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