This surge in prices is due in particular to the impossibility of transporting the cereals produced on Ukrainian soil. Even if France exports more wheat than it imports, it is also subject to the fluctuations of world markets.
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Millions of tons of Ukrainian wheat are currently blocked in Ukraine, stored in silos. It is impossible to export them due to the war with Russia. As a result, prices continue to rise. A situation which had already started in 2021, specifies Monday June 6 on franceinfo Philippe Chalmin, professor of economic history at Paris Dauphine University and specialist in raw materials and energy, “due to heavy Chinese imports”.
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But since the fighting began last February, “world wheat prices have taken between 100 and 150 dollars per ton”, he adds. On the European market, for example, wheat sold for between 200 and 250 euros per tonne before the start of the Russian invasion, “it is now selling at 380 euros per ton, with passages above 400 euros”explains the expert.
This increase mainly impacts large importing countries, particularly in Africa. France, recalls Phillippe Chalmin, is a country “net exporter” about wheat – it exports more than it imports – but its price is now “fixed globally”.
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Wheat is not the only one to be blocked in Ukraine, recalls Philippe Chalmin: “The bulk of the export campaign had already been completed. In reality, in Ukrainian silos there is mainly corn. There are roughly twenty million tons of cereals, 5 to 6 million wheat and 14 or 15 corn”. On the other hand, at this time of the year, specifies the expert, “These silos should be much emptier in order to accommodate the next harvests, especially wheat in June-July”.