“Opposites”, the companion of Laurent Ruquier, balances on the end of collaboration between his man and Léa Salamé!

It’s a page that turns for Laurent Ruquier… Last Saturday, June 4, Laurent Ruquier indeed presented “We are live” for the very last time in 17 years! A departure that the host of France Television has already commented on via his Instagram account: “It is my decision to leave this time slot”, he said. Before explaining that the co-hosting with Léa Salamé did not put him “not at ease”, despite his “natural understanding” with the latter who will now present the program alone.

“Two opposing ways of working”

A big decision that Hugo Manos, the companion of Laurent Ruquier, commented on during the program TPMP People (C8). “As he has already said, he has no problem with Léa Salamé, but it’s true that it’s two ways of working that are diametrically opposed”, explained the columnist.

“I think Léa arrived with a view to boosting audiences too, after this first year when Laurent was alone. It is clear that the audiences remained flat. So we wish Léa to succeed in boosting audiences this time by being alone ”, added Hugo Manos.

Spokesperson for his dear and tender on C8, Hugo Manos concluded by explaining that Laurent Ruquier wanted above all to do what he liked: “ Laurent, what he wants today is to like it. After 30 years of career, he has largely proven himself. So he just wants to have fun. Do exactly what he wants. And there, in this case, he was no longer in phase with this model of co-animation ”.

See also: “Du c…”: Léa Salamé goes nuts on France Inter…

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