Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | 437 new cases, 3 deaths

Quebec reports Sunday 3 more deaths attributable to COVID-19 and 437 additional infections. However, no data on hospitalizations are available.

Posted at 2:56 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

This new raw data brings the total of deaths linked to the disease to 15,449 since its appearance in the province.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) also reports 437 new cases since the previous assessment. Authorities have identified more than 1.07 million cases of infection since the start of the pandemic. However, the number of cases listed is not representative of the situation, since access to screening centers is restricted to priority groups, such as healthcare workers.

According to the VaccinTrackerQC site, 6,057 doses of vaccine have been administered in the past 24 hours, more than half of which have been second booster doses, or fourth doses.

However, the number of COVID hospitalizations as of June 5 is unknown, as these data were not published in the afternoon. Since June 3, the data is updated from Tuesday to Saturday only. The data released on Tuesday includes the cumulative of Saturday, Sunday and Monday, reminds the MSSS by email.

As of Saturday, there were 1,038 COVID-19 hospitalizations reported, down 29 cumulatively. There were also 28 people who are still in intensive care, a number which had remained stable compared to the previous day.

In the general Quebec population, approximately 87% of people have received a first dose of vaccine, 83.5% have two, 52.2% have three, and 13.3% now have four doses.

Last Wednesday, the Legault government officially ended the health emergency, more than two years after it came into force, thanks to the adoption of Bill 28 which allows it to retain certain emergency powers until December. 2022. However, these powers remain excessive in the eyes of the opposition parties, who all voted against the adoption of the legislative text.

“I know it’s hard to hear, but we’re still in a pandemic, the virus is still there. The Dr Boileau is very clear, there could be a wave of some importance in the fall. We would like to be in vaccination condition early in the fall, that means the month of August, September. You have to be ready, ”said the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, on his arrival at the Council of Ministers.

With The Canadian Press

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