Isabelle Balkany released from hospital four months after her suicide attempt

Isabelle Balkany had been hospitalized since February after a suicide attempt. She is currently recovering.

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Hospitalized since February after a suicide attempt, Isabelle Balkany left the hospital and she is recovering, indicates Sunday June 5 a source close to the file at franceinfo. Contacted, Pierre-Olivier Sur, Isabelle Balkany’s lawyer, refuses to confirm this information. He invokes “three reasons: professional secrecy, medical secrecy and respect for dignity“.

>> The parole of Patrick Balkany suspended after an appeal from the prosecution

On February 3, the Rouen Court of Appeal (Seine-Maritime) revoked the placement of the Balkany spouses under an electronic bracelet, thus paving the way for their incarceration. This judgment came after repeated breaches of their house arrest at the Moulin de Cossy, their mansion in Giverny (Eure). In the wake of this court decision, Isabelle Balkany attempted suicide and was taken to hospital. Patrick Balkany had indicated that his wife had swallowed barbiturates. “I just want to sleep, SLEEP“, she wrote on Twitter on February 3.

On March 4, 2020, the Paris Court of Appeal upheld the couple’s conviction. Isabelle Balkany was sentenced to three years in prison, without a warrant. She was also sentenced to 10 years of ineligibility.

Patrick Balkany was sentenced to 4 years in prison, one of which was suspended and without a warrant, this time. He was already imprisoned in September 2019. Then he was released after five months under judicial supervision for health reasons. He has been in pre-trial detention again since February 7, after the decision of the Rouen Court of Appeal.

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