Legislative elections in France | Marine Le Pen eager to “overcome the curse”

(Hénin-Beaumont) Marine Le Pen urged her troops on Sunday to mobilize and “overcome the curse” of the legislative elections, which had given her few deputies five years ago despite her presidential score.

Posted at 12:19 p.m.

Anne RENAUT with Thomas BERNARD
France Media Agency

“There is still time to prevent Macron from having all the powers” ​​and to “overcome the curse of an unfair voting system, which maintains a rotten system in place”, declared the presidential finalist during her first campaign rally for the legislative elections, from his stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais.

In the 2017 legislative elections, which are governed by a majority voting system, the far-right leader had obtained only eight deputies after collecting nearly 34% of the votes in the second round of the presidential election.

Marine Le Pen, who campaigns for a proportional voting system, gathered this time for the presidential election in May 41.5% of the vote, a record. And the FIFG institute gave him Tuesday between 20 and 50 seats in the Assembly.

“Not only go vote, but give me 100 to 150 deputies. Help me help you, ”she begged Sunday, in front of several hundred activists gathered in a fair atmosphere at the François Mitterrand space in the city.

Christian Turek, who came to applaud Marine Le Pen, sees the National Rally (RN) as “winning” and assures that his party has “recovered from the hair of the beast” since the presidential election.


Eager to rekindle the flame of her activists, the outgoing MP has revised her ambitions upwards.

While she initially refused to put forward a figure, she now evokes the possibility of a group, at least 15 deputies, or even 60 to be able to seize the Constitutional Council. Otherwise, “it would be a democratic denial”, according to her.

She even judges the 150 or so constituencies where the RN came first in the presidential election to be winnable and cherishes the hope of arriving “in the lead” in the first round of the legislative elections.

In addition to the voting system, the leader of the RN fears more than other formations the abstention of the working classes and young people, at the heart of her electorate, which had cost her dearly at the regional level, while only 38% of French people are interested in the campaign according to the BVA polling institute.

Marine Le Pen herself seemed “absent” from the campaign according to pollster Brice Teinturier, starting out losing, taking the victory of Emmanuel Macron’s camp for granted.

Above all, she wants to get ahead of the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who takes advantage of the dynamic generated by his union of the left (Nupes) to appear as the first opponent, when she herself refused any alliance with her rival Éric Zemmour.

She thus attacked Sunday the “malfeasance coalition” of Mr. Mélenchon. “I say to the French workers, […] with Nupes, you vote for the republic of the Traoré”, she launched.

Photo OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE, Agence France-Presse

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, from the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (NUPES)


She also attacked the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye, booed by the room, “indigenous and even racialist”, who “militates” according to her for “the dictatorship of minorities”.

And invoked immigration, a mobilizing theme for her party, after the organizational failures of the Stade de France, which she attributed to “hordes of ultraviolent migrant minors”.

The finalist in the presidential election had shared the campaign with her quasi-runner-up, Jordan Bardella: the north for her, the south for him.

Saturday in Cavaillon (Vaucluse), the acting president of the RN called on “the patriots” to “not disperse their voices” by voting for the candidates of Éric Zemmour.

In the 2e constituency, that of Cavaillon, Reconquest! has chosen to line up against the RN Bénédicte Auzanot, the very media president of young people with Éric Zemmour, Stanislas Rigault, who will have as a luxury substitute Marion Maréchal, the niece of Marine Le Pen.

Éric Zemmour, who won 7.07% in the presidential election, is presenting himself in Saint-Tropez (Var) and will also face an RN candidate.

Marine Le Pen has mostly criss-crossed the Hauts-de-France, her chosen land. His re-election in the 11e constituency seems so “without stake” that she will not debate with her opponents on France 3.

The RN also dreams of winning its first seat in Gironde, near Blaye, and also hopes for elected officials in Oise and Aisne.

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