Frédéric Deban suffering from deafness and ruined: “I had to go through the RSA box”

“It was the evening of my 50th birthday. I listened to Michael Jackson thoroughly, I danced like crazy and there was a fight, I wanted to participate and I received a bottle of beer on my forehead “, told the one who lived at that time in a favela, in Brazil.

“The next morning, I woke up with a huge noise in my head, like a plane taking off and I couldn’t hear anything. I was repatriated to France, I was hospitalized for 10 days in a university hospital. was the obstacle course: I met ENT, did exams … “, explained Frédéric Deban, who did not yet know that he was has hyperacusis and sudden profound bilateral deafness. “It was all a nightmare”, summarized the fifty-year-old, who was able to pull two books and a one-man show from his handicap.

Frédéric Deban then had a cochlear implant, which he proudly showed during the show. “At first, I was resistant to it because it showed. Now, I don’t care”, he assured, explaining that he let his hair grow to hide his disability.

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